International Fluff Off Day...

.The Ginger Fluff Sponge Cake Fluff Off. 
An Online Cooking Class with a difference!
Proceeds to Multiple Myeloma Cancer Research.
Sunday, March 5, 2023. 7pm AEDT*

Hey foodies!

Do you love trying out new recipes and making delicious treats in the kitchen? Well, do we have an opportunity for you! Join us for a fun and light-hearted online cooking class... with a difference, where we'll be whipping up one of the most scrumptious cakes out there - a Ginger Fluff Sponge Cake... lovingly known as TheFluff!

Not only will we be baking a delicious cake, but we'll also be doing it for a good cause. This annual event is in memory of Helen Herrmann, who passed away from Multiple Myeloma. This was her favourite cake to make for her family's birthdays and we want to not only honour her by baking it together but making a donation to Multiple Myeloma cancer research. 

So, grab your apron, preheat your ovens, and let's get baking! We'll be sharing tips and tricks, fun stories as we bake our way through the recipe. 

And don't worry, even if you're not an experienced baker, this recipe is perfect for bakers of all skill levels.

So come on, let's make a difference and have some fun while we're at it. Sign up now with just a $14.99 donation and let's bake a cake that Helen would be proud of!

Or if you prefer to just make a donation, click here.

PS - At the end of The Fluff Off, you'll be invited to post a picture and short video of your Fluff. Fluffers with the most likes will have the honour of being named The 2023 Fluff Off Master!!!

*Sunday 5th March 7pm AEDT
NT 5.30pm
SA 6.30pm
WA 4pm
QLD 6pm
NSW 7pm
VIC 7pm
TAS 7pm

Shupaman Publishing

PO Box 732, South Perth. WA 6951. Australia